
Results: 23

Professional development for schools and education professionals


How can you use serious games as educational resources providing an interactive and innovative way of learning for pupils? The eConfidence project experts are organising Continuous Professional Development activities on these topics, for schools and education professionals, in collaboration with the eTwinning initiative.

eConfidence at the Innovation Centres meeting in Castilla y Leon (Spain)


On 20 March 2018, the DIM-EDU group together with University of Salamanca (USAL) organised at the latter's premises a joint meeting with innovation centres in the Castilla y Leon region (Spain). Counting on the participation of 194 attendees, the main objectives of this meeting were to exchange knowledge and experiences among centers that are already innovating "at the center level", in order to better guide the actions they are already carrying out and provide guidance and examples to follow the centers that are beginning this process.

eMadrid seminar and eConfidence


Bearing in mind the importance of research developments and best practice sharing, eConfidence project partners from the University of Salamanca (USAL) have participated on the 23rd of February at a seminar organised by eMadrid and presented our ongoing project.

eConfidence supports Safer Internet Day 2018!


Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you! was the theme for this year's Safer Internet Day, celebrated on 6 February 2018 in more than 140 countries.

Talking about serious games with European teachers


45 teachers from 13 European countries traveled to Brussels to work together at the beginning of November and learn about digital skills and online safety in a 5 days Digital Citizenship Training course at the Future Classroom Lab, European Schoolnet.

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